Dry Eye Disease/Meibomian Gland Disorder
Dry eye disease or ocular surface disease or Meibomian Gland disorder is a very common disease that affects many Americans. According to the National Institute of Women's Health, Oklahoma City is ranked as the 11th driest city in the United States. Dry eye disease can cause scratchy eyes, overwatering eyes, red eyes, red eyelid margins, and a decrease in contact lens wear time. In addition some dry eye patients can lose vision quality due to the dry front surface. Certain medications can worsen dry eye as can birthdays, and digital device screen time. Dry Eye can be related to a systemic disease such as Sjogren's Syndrome, Rosacea, or Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Many patients will have tried over the counter drops with little to no relief. There are many treatment options available beyond over the counter drops including Restasis Ophthalmic Emulsion, Xiidra ophthalmic drops, Tyrvaya nasal spray, tear ointments, punctal occlusion with plugs or surgery, and lid treatments.
If you have not experienced any relief from dry eye treatments please let us know, dry eye disease tends to get worse if left untreated.